Current Reading Targets
- I can use the following signposts to help me make meaning in my reading: contrast/contradiction; aha moment; again and again; tough questions; Words of the Wiser; Memory moment.
- I can find examples of the signposts in my reading.
- Chart of signposts with definitions.
Current Language Arts Target
- I can add interest to my writing by varying the way I begin my sentences.
- I know how to start sentences with nouns/pronouns, articles, adverbs, prepositional phrases, adjectives, infinitives, and participial phrases.
nouns: common nouns and proper nouns
pronouns: I, You, She, He, We, They, my, his, her ,our, it...
articles: a, an, the
adverbs: Reluctantly, the children left school to go home.
adjectives: Ashamed, Mary Lou admitted that she lied about breaking the lamp.
prepositions: (remember anywhere a cat can go). Under the stairs, lived a little mouse.
infinitives: to + base of a verb--To jump, Sarah had to bend her knees. To finish his homework, he had to move away from all distractions.
participial phrases: a phrase beginning with an -ing verb that describes what it's next to. Tipping the can over, the dog ate the garbage. Rolling in the water, the elephant trumpeted.