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Wednesday, March 11

Language Arts: finish persuasive slides

Monday, March 9

Reading: poetry terms quizlet due Wednesday (class time has been given) "Game Over" intro and body paragraph due Thursday.

Thursday, March 5

LA: Students are expected to go over their concussion intros and body paragraphs using the checklist I provided. They are to fix any mistakes and make sure that the order of their ideas is the same as the checklist. Sydney Opera House Museum is also due.

Wednesday, March 4

Reading: Make sure your news article is turned in.

Language Arts: Concussion intro and body is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 3

Reading: summary due Wed. Students will have 10 more minutes of class time to work on this.

Language Arts: Sydney Opera House packet due Friday A-D

Monday, March 2

Reading: intro paragraph corrections due Tues.

news article summary due Wed.

LA: Sydney Opera House packet A-D due Friday

Tuesday, February 25

Reading: Intro practice worksheet due tomorrow along with the vocab packet.

Monday, January 6

Reading: Answer the Sir Isaac Newton question in Classroom.

Language Arts: Connotation packet: Read story on page 1 & 2, answer the 4 questions. Page 3--read the story and answer question #1. Do not answer anything on the last page.

Language Arts: finish Washington Monument packet.

Reading: Finish Titanic Timeline packet

Math: test tomorrow. Page 428 # 1-10 are bonus pages

Science: Reading guide "Humans and Other Primates" ; test Friday on Meteor Impact Evolution

Social Studies: the next four sketches are due at the beginning of class on Friday.

Social Studies: Four Bloom Ball sketches were due today. Many students did not have all four done. They have one day to get it in without a penalty. Everything that students need to do this project is in Classroom.

The next installment of 4 sketches is due Thursday.

Social Studies: Students have begun working on the Roman Life Bloom Ball project. It will be due on Wed., June 5. To help our students with time-management struggles, I have determined partial due dates.

By the end of May 28, students must have 4 slides completed.

By the end of Thursday, May 30, an additional 4 slides.

Language Arts: I am attaching the schedule for presentation speeches. Students are expected to be rehearsed, with materials, and ready to go on the day assigned. They must have 2 copies of their speeches ready.


Reading: Hour 4--finish reading the rest of the book (3 pages).