Language Arts: Greek/Latin Superhero with picture is due tomorrow.
Category: Homework Updates
Mon., January 7
Language Arts: Greek and Latin Root superhero/villain is due on Wednesday.
Thurs., Jan. 3
Reading: Students are to read "Raymond's Run" and answer the questions. This story can be found in Google Classroom.
Math: p. 162 #1-5; 12-16a; 21-24
January 2, 2019
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a good break. There was no homework assigned today. Students will have one more day to work on their One Little Word assignment in language arts. It will be due on Friday.
Thursday, Dec. 20
Sorry I missed yesterday.
Reading: One -Pagers are due tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, December 18
Reading: There is a reading test tomorrow. Students have the study guide, but here is a link:
The One-Pager is due at the end of class Thursday. Students have class time on Thursday, but some work will have to be done out of class. Directions are in Classroom.
Monday, Dec. 17
Language Arts: 1. Finish the simile worksheet given in class. 2. Write the two-tone poem using the example given in class. (You have it on a worksheet). Here it is:
Reading: Start studying for the test on Wednesday.
Thursday, Dec. 13
Social Studies: There will be a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 5 Lesson 2. Here is a link of what to study.
Here is a link to today's Kahoot to help you study.
Also--tombs and flipgrid are due tomorrow!
Wednesday, Dec. 12
Language Arts: Greek Root packet due. There will be a quiz and there is a quizlet in Classroom to help you study.
Reading: I handed out a Daniel's Story study guide. You can be looking at that and trying to answer the questions that you know.
Monday, Dec. 10
Language Arts: Greek Root Packet is due on Thursday along with a quiz.
Social Studies: tombs, Flipgrid and write-up are due on Friday.